Wednesday, 30 September 2015


We had a big challenge set by Paul! We had to help him to find lots of 2D shapes. All week we have been working hard to name shapes and describe their properties. 

One activity was were we went on a shape hunt around the school with an iPad. We had to find lots of shapes within the environment. This was so much fun and we really enjoyed talking to our friends about this special job. Then we were so amazing because we made our first pic collage on an iPad independently. This was a great skill to practise. 

Have a look at some of the photo's from our shape hunt... 

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Mr Paul Parrot left us a very exciting challenge today. We had to solve lots of problems by ordering numbers to 10 or even 20. This was really good because it helped us to practise our number recognition too. Paul parrot even tricked us sometimes because he missed out some numbers which we had to guess. 

We showed off lots of our brain skills such as problem solving and collaboration. (We even learnt what these words meant.) 

Super job today! 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Class Council

The children showed so much maturity when trialling our first class council of the year. There was a great range of responses from all the children and thought really carefully about what positives and negatives they wanted to share with the class.

Well done FS2!

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

'n' sound

Wow! What a super phonics session. We learnt the 'n' sound which we say as 'down nobby and over his net.' 

We were so good at practising this rhyme and then we independently went and wrote the sound in groups. 

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

's' sound

We tried so hard with our 's' sound in phonics today. We just need to remember to 'whoosh, slither down the snake.'

Friday, 11 September 2015

Feeding the chickens

We enjoyed a lovely walk around the school grounds today. We were superstars at walking with a partner in a line and we were even lucky enough to feed the chickens.